Setting a local tutoring entry
* ) click on entries management
* ] select the 'c model_loc' entry
* ) click on New
* ) the type of the entry set to 'local' is OK
* ) set the virtual url ftp : it is one of your present disks
* ) set the login to any word, for example 'test'
* ) click on the green ok

AblyFTP verifies that it is a new entry.
* ) set your password
* ) the login word is the default value of the Relative Root Folder field. You can change it and set it with the name of any folder you want to reach on the disk. If it does not exist , it will be created.
* ) set the max size you are allowed to use on your site
* ) don't set the Web url
* ) click on local folder to set it. Since, it is a test, choose the real local folder of your Web site
* ) don't change the alternal local folder
* ) set the time-out to 10 seconds or less
* ) click on ok

Click on the eye to make the last first-time setting.

*** Your Pseudo-Web is empty : all is ok . To update it, click on 'update' the green arrow.

*** Your Pseudo-Web is not empty : that is because you chose an existing destination folder
Click on 'danger'
Click on import the Web dir ( the red W ).
Now, you can analyze the comparative listing.